Arch Linux’s February 2019 Snapshot Is Now Available with Linux Kernel 4.20.6

Arch Linux’s February 2019 Snapshot Is Now Available with Linux Kernel 4.20.6


The Arch Linux 2019.02.01 ISO snapshot is now available for download, powered by the Linux 4.20.6 kernel and packed with all the updates released through the official archives of the GNU/Linux distribution since January 1st, 2019, when the Arch Linux 2019.01.01 snapshot was launched.
This is the second Arch Linux snapshot to use a kernel from the latest Linux 4.20 series. Linux kernel 4.20.6 is included by default in the Arch Linux 2019.02.01 image, which means that you’ll get better support for the latest hardware, as well as a more secured operating system after installation.
Only for new deployments
Like with all Arch Linux snapshots, the Arch Linux 2019.02.01 release is here only for those who want to deploy the independently developed Linux-based operating system on new computers or reinstall their existing Arch Linux installations without having to download hundreds of updates from the repositories.
The Arch Linux 2019.02.01 image is available for download right now from the official website and has 600MB in size. Users can write the image to a USB flash drive, burn it to a CD, or mount it as an ISO file in order to install the operating system. You can always rely on our “A Beginners’ Guide to Installing Arch Linux” tutorial for that.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walrbecht


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