ExTix 19.3 Linux Distro Released With Kernel 5.0, Kodi 18.2, And Xfce...

ExTix 19.3 Linux Distro Released With Kernel 5.0, Kodi 18.2, And Xfce 4.13


ExTiX is a Ubuntu-based Linux distribution that has been slowly gaining popularity in recent years. The developer of this operating system has recently released the updated version, and it’s packed with features.
The latest release is also being called ExTiX 19.3 Xfc4/Kodi Live DVD. It’s based on the development branch of Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo and features Xfce 4.13 desktop environment for a lightweight desktop experience that’s user-friendly as well. Xfce is one of my favorite desktops, which makes this release even more exciting for me.
Talking about the other features, it ships with the latest Linux kernel 5.0. While the numerical jump from 4.x to 5.x doesn’t bring tons of new changes to the kernel, it surely ensures better hardware support and graphics performance.
Another highlight feature of ExTiX 19.3 Linux distro is the pre-installed Kodi 18.2 Leia. This gives you the flexibility of using your system like a regular Linux system running Xfce or simply fire up Kodi and use it as a full-fledged entertainment system. Some popular Kodi add-ons like Netflix, Nvidia proprietary Graphics driver 418.43, etc., have also been pre-loaded by the developer.
The ExTiX 19.3 ISOs are developed as ISO-hybrids, which means that one can easily copy them to a USB drive/DVD and even run the OS from that portable media. ExTix needs at least 3GB RAM to run, and you can even remove the USB disk and run it from RAM.

Source: https://fossbytes.com/extix-19-3-linux-released-features-download/
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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