Peppermint 10 Operating System Officially Released, Based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Peppermint 10 Operating System Officially Released, Based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS


As Peppermint 10 is based on the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS repositories as of May 14th, 2019, it means it’s in fact based on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS, which ships with updated kernel and graphics stacks from the Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) operating system. As such, Peppermint 10 is powered by Linux kernel 4.18.0-18.
Highlights of the Peppermint 10 release include support for automatically install the Nvidia proprietary graphics drivers, including support for Nvidia Optimus setups, Ice 6.0.2 with support for isolated profiles for Chromium, Google Chrome, and Vivaldi web browsers, and a new utility for setting font DPIs.
Among the updated components included in the Peppermint 10 operating system, we can mention Nemo 4.0.6 file manager, mintinstall 7.9.7, mintstick 1.39, Neofetch 6.0.1, Xed 2.0.2, XPlayer 2.0.2, and XViewer 2.0.2. Additionally, XReader replaces Evince as default document viewer.
The light-locker and light-locker-settings packages now replace i3lock, the network-manager-pptp-gnome and network-manager-openvpn-gnome plugins for NetworkManager are now installed by default, and Peppermint 10 also ships with a new xfce-panel-switch profile for resetting the panel.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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