BlackArch Linux 2019.06.01 released

BlackArch Linux 2019.06.01 released


BlackArch Linux is a lightweight, Arch Linux-based distribution for ethical hacking, penetration testing and security researchers. BlackArch also follows the rolling release principle through its direct connection to Arch Linux repositories. Unlike similar distributions such as Kali Linux or Parrot OS BlackArch brings however no desktop environment, but relies on several lightweight window managers. The more than 2,200 tools that BlackArch offers can be installed individually or in groups.
With the release of BlackArch Linux 2019.06.01, the developers provide fresh installation media, which in addition to Kernel 5.1.4 and updated packages, among other things offer around 150 new tools. The BlackArch installer has been upgraded to version 1.1.1. The Vim plugins have been updated and the jedi-vim plugin added to Vim’s Jedi autocomplete library. The arch configuration files Xresources and Xdefaults have been renewed and added support for the terminal emulator rxvt-unicode. In addition, the menus of the window manager Awesome, Fluxbox and Openbox have been revised. All packages on the image have been run-time tested and the image cleaned up.
BlackArch Linux can be used as a live distribution or permanently installed. For this purpose, a complete image including all tools with a size of 12 GB is available on the download server. Alternatively, a Netinstall image with 650 MByte is offered, which allows an individual compilation of the distribution. In addition, the developers offer a OVA image with 30 GB, which can be used with VirtualBox, VMware or Qemu.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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