Tails 3.16 closes gaps – Tails 4.0 in the starting blocks

Tails 3.16 closes gaps – Tails 4.0 in the starting blocks


The Amnesic Incognito Live System, Tails for short, has been released in version 3.16, which includes various security vulnerabilities in the included programs.
With the Tails distribution, users without configuration can securely and anonymously access the Internet via the Tor network. The live system starts from a USB stick or DVD. In addition to the updates, including for Firefox, Tor Browser (8.5.5) and Thunderbird is also a new kernel for the underlying operating system based on Debian 9.9 here. Debian Kernel 4.19.37-5 + deb10u2 includes a Fix for Specter Gaps of recent date.
The developers also touched the default settings and removed the bookmarks predefined by the Tails project from the Tor Browser. Instead, the default bookmarks are supplied from the Tor Upstream. The changelog lists all the details. In October, the new branch of the system is expected with Tails 4.0. Issue 3.16 should, therefore, have been one of the last in the 3-branch.

Source: https://www.linux-magazin.de/news/tails-3-16-schliesst-luecken-tails-4-0-in-den-startloechern/
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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