Patent lawsuit against Gnome Foundation

Patent lawsuit against Gnome Foundation


In a brief note, the Gnome Foundation mentions that it was sued by a Texas company called Rothschild Patent Imaging. The company accuses the Gnome Foundation of violating US Patent 9,936,086 with its Shotwell (and F-Spot) program. Shotwell, originally developed by the Yorba Foundation, is a program for organizing photos for gnomes. It allows you to import photos from the camera, view, edit and share them. Obviously, Rothschild Patent Imaging believes that the Gnome Foundation sells the programs. That’s what the indictment (PDF) sounds like, which demands patent fees and damages from the Gnome Foundation.
Neil McGovern, managing director of the Gnome Foundation, has announced, according to the announcement, that the Gnome Foundation does not consider the lawsuit to be justified.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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