Univention Corporate Server 4.4-2 released

Univention Corporate Server 4.4-2 released


Two months after the first update of Univention Corporate Server (UCS) 4.4, the second update is now ready. According to the manufacturer, the new version 4.4-2 of the Univention Corporate Server contains numerous minor improvements and innovations. The REST API for the Univention Directory Manager, which was added as a beta version to the previous version, is now included as a stable version. The API connects applications to the UCS directory service; Access is via a web service via HTTPS, and the data is exchanged in JSON format. In terms of function, the REST API offers the same scope as the command line program udm.

Source: https://www.pro-linux.de/news/1/27470/univention-corporate-server-44-2-freigegeben.html
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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