Systems Software Stack Tweaked For Power Systems

Systems Software Stack Tweaked For Power Systems


As part of the October Power Systems announcements, IBM has made some minor tweaks to the systems software stack that runs underneath IBM i, AIX, and Linux on its Power-based systems. In announcement letter 219-451, IBM reveals enhancements to its PowerVM server virtualization hypervisor, the PowerVC implementation of the OpenStack cloud controller (which presumably has a pretty short life now that IBM owns Red Hat), and its Virtual HMC (vHMC) hardware management console for Power iron. The details are a bit thin, but IBM has made improvements with PowerVM V3.1.1 so Live Partition Mobility live migration of logical partitions – what everyone else calls a virtual machine – has better performance. The exact nature of that performance improvement is not clear as we go to press. IBM is also supporting DRAM-based persistent memory – which does not mean Intel’s Optane persistent memory but rather NVDIMMs which mix flash and DRAM – so VMs can be stored persistently on that memory and therefore system restarts and VM reloads can happen a lot quicker. IBM has also enhanced virtual network interface card (vNIC) and related Single Root Input/Output Virtualization (SR-IOV). Here are the tweaks IBM has made on the I/O front with PowerVM V3.1.1 .

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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