Heads up, private penguins: Tails 4.0 is out. Security-conscious Linux gets updated...

Heads up, private penguins: Tails 4.0 is out. Security-conscious Linux gets updated apps, speed boost


Tails have released version 4.0 of the privacy-focused Linux distro, based on Debian 10, with numerous features and usability improvements. Tails stand for “The Amnesic Incognito Live System”. It is most commonly started from a USB stick and runs as a live operating system which by default is non-persistent. Not all USB sticks or PCs work with Tails, so if you want to use it, check the known issues carefully. Applications installed by default in Tails include the Tor browser, Onion Share (for secure file sharing), LibreOffice, KeePassXC password manager, Electrum Bitcoin wallet (only useful with a persistent volume) and a few other productivity tools and utilities. The target audience could be journalists, political activists and anyone with good or bad reasons to want anonymity and security. The Tails philosophy is spelled out in a “social contract”.

Source: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2019/10/24/tails_4_privacy_linux/
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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