Hands-on with Kali Linux Rolling

Hands-on with Kali Linux Rolling


Kali Linux (the successor to BackTrack), well known as one of the premier distributions for digital forensics and penetration testing, announced a new release. This by itself already qualifies as very good news.
With this release, Kali-Rolling (2016.1), Kali Linux is now officially a rolling distribution. Kali was previously based on the Debian stable distribution, and basically had to track the major release cycles of Debian with their own major releases. Now Kali is based on the Debian testing distribution, so it is continuously updated. The Kali developers have also added continuous notification and updates of the penetration testing tools that they add to Debian to create the Kali distribution.
To top it all off, the new distribution is UEFI compatible, and installed without any problem on the systems I have tried so far. This is really the best news of all for me, because I have spent huge amounts of time fighting to get the previous Kali distributions properly loaded and configured on UEFI systems (NOT in Legacy boot mode).

Source: http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2016/01/22/why-androids-31-billion-in-revenue-may-not-be-as-big-ashttp://www.zdnet.com/article/hand-on-with-kali-linux-rolling/-it-seems/
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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