Debian 8.3 (Jessie) Officially Released

Debian 8.3 (Jessie) Officially Released


The Debian developers have issued another update for the OS. It’s only for maintenance, and no new features have been implemented, but that’s to be expected with a regular update. The initial launch for Debian 8.0 was all the way back in April 2015, so three major upgrades in less than a year seems to be a great track record.
Interestingly enough, Debian 8.x is also an LTS release, and its makers have already said that they are going to provide support for it until 2020, which is a really long time. Most likely, the current pace of updates for Debian 8.x will slow down after the first couple of years.
Since Debian 8 (Jessie) has been such a popular choice, a lot of developers chose it to base their own distros. In fact, the latest version of SteamOS “Brewmaster” is using Debian 8.2 as its base, and it’s likely to upgrade to the new one really soon.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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