ZFS filesystem will be built into Ubuntu 16.04 LTS by default

ZFS filesystem will be built into Ubuntu 16.04 LTS by default


A new long-term support (LTS) version of Ubuntu is coming out in April, and Canonical just announced a major addition that will please anyone interested in file storage. Ubuntu 16.04 will include the ZFS filesystem module by default, and the OpenZFS-based implementation will get official support from Canonical.
ZFS support was already available “as a technology preview” in Ubuntu 15.10, where it’s installable via an apt-get command and has to be compiled from source code first. This is no longer the case in 16.04, though you’ll still need to download and install the zfsutils-linux package to create and manage ZFS volumes. Putting an official, installed-by-default, fully supported version into an LTS version of Ubuntu is a big vote of confidence, especially since people running Ubuntu-based servers often stick to LTS releases for maximum stability.
Source: http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2016/02/zfs-filesystem-will-be-built-into-ubuntu-16-04-lts-by-default/
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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