Debian GNU/Linux 8.6 “Jessie” Officially Released, Brings over 90 Security Fixes

Debian GNU/Linux 8.6 “Jessie” Officially Released, Brings over 90 Security Fixes


Debian GNU/Linux 8.6 “Jessie” is here to add various important improvements to almost 80 packages, as well as to integrate all the security updates that have been released in the distribution’s official software repositories since the release of Debian GNU/Linux 8.5 “Jessie.” Approximately 95 security updates are included in the new stable release, including the latest kernel version.
What else is new in Debian GNU/Linux 8.6 “Jessie”? Well, two packages have been removed from the default installation medium, namely “minit” because was outdated and unmaintained, and “trn” because of security issues. The latter was replaced with the “trn4” package. Other than that, there are various minor fixes to bugs reported by users since the Debian GNU/Linux 8.5 “Jessie” release.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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