Refracta 8.0 Is a Pint-Sized Powerhouse

Refracta 8.0 Is a Pint-Sized Powerhouse


Refracta is a somewhat obscure Linux distribution that offers exceptional functionality and stability.
Obscurity is not always a bad thing when it comes to Linux distros. You can find some very worthwhile alternatives to your current operating system. Refracta is a big surprise in a small package.
Many look-alike desktop distros are difficult to distinguish from run-of-the-mill garden varieties. Others offer new adopters something unique that makes using them fun and productive.
Refracta is one of the few full-service Linux distros that makes an easy and more convenient replacement for pocket Linux options such as Puppy Linux. Not all Linux distros that install to a USB drive — and have the ability to save files and system settings in a persistent mode — work equally well.
Doing just that has been the rallying point around Puppy Linux-based variants, but Puppy Linux requires adjusting to a different set of computing tools and a few less-conventional operating procedures.
Refracta is not a Puppy Linux family member, but it just works. When I run Refracta with full persistence from a USB drive, my user experience is much like running it in a virtual machine or even a full hard drive installation.
In its portable Linux option running from a USB drive, Refracta offers a far superior user experience than the Live session CD, with its limitations and slow speed. Refracta can be an ideal computing solution to place on your everyday computer, as well as carry in your pocket as a portable Linux desktop you can plug into any computer.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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