Linux poll results: And the winners are…

Linux poll results: And the winners are…


The votes are in. LinuxQuestions, one of the largest Linux groups with 550,000 members, has just posted the results from its latest poll. The winner for the most popular desktop distribution? Slackware!
If that sounds a little odd, it is. On DistroWatch, a site that covers Linux distributions like paint, the top Linux desktop distros are Mint, Debian, Ubuntu, openSUSE, and Manjaro. Slackware comes in 28th place.
So why the discrepancy? With more than double the votes for any category, it appears there was vote-stuffing by Slackware fans.
Linux users love to debate about desktop environments. KDE Plasma Desktop took first by a hair’s breadth over the popular lightweight Xfce desktop. Other well-regarded desktop environments, such as Cinnamon and MATE, got surprisingly few votes. The once popular GNOME still hasn’t recovered from the blowback from its disliked design change from GNOME 2 to GNOME 3.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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