Why Android is likely safe from a WannaCry-like attack

Why Android is likely safe from a WannaCry-like attack


The WannaCry cyberattack has ensnared more than 300,000 computers in 150 countries by taking advantage of outdated versions of Windows that never got Microsoft’s crucial security patches.
Hmm. Millions of devices that are stuck on older versions of an operating system and don’t have access to the latest updates. Where have I heard that one before?
That is, after all, one of the key problems with Android. Only 7.1 percent of its 1 billion users are on Nougat, better known as Android 7.0, the latest version of the mobile operating system. Nearly a third run on Android KitKat or older — versions that came out more than three years ago.
“Over time, the more that Android versions age out, you’re going to have an increasing attack surface for bad guys,” said Josh Feinblum, vice president of information security at Rapid7.
But worry not, Android users. There are key differences between Windows and Android that keep the mobile operating system safe from WannaCry’s clutches. Even with so many different flavors of Android, including versions tweaked by phone makers like Samsung or LG, it’s unlikely that users are in for a wide-scale attack.
While Android isn’t susceptible to WannaCry, it could be open to other attacks, including closed-off ransomware incidents.
But for now, the WannaCry ransomware — a cyber shakedown in which hackers lock your computer and demand money to fix it — is solely a problem found on Windows.

Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/why-android-is-safe-from-a-wannacry-like-ransomware-attack/
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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