Debian 9 ‘Stretch’ GNU/Linux Distro Released

Debian 9 ‘Stretch’ GNU/Linux Distro Released


The Debian Release team has finally released the Debian 9.0 “Stretch” stable GNU/Linux distribution. Named after Toy Story’s rubber toy octopus, Stretch, this release will remain supported for 5 years. Debian 9 ships with Linux kernel 4.9, new digital forensics tools, GNOME 3.22, default MariaDB, etc. You can either update your exisiting installation or download the new installation media from the project’s website. Last month, we reported about the Debian Release Team’s plans to ship the final release of Debian 9.0 “Stretch” GNU/Linux distribution on June 17. Well, acting well on their promise, they have shipped the new stable version, i.e., Debian 9, code named Stretch. For those who don’t know, Debian codenames are based on the characters in the famous animated movie Toy Story. This release is named after the glittery purple rubber toy octopus, Stretch.
After a combined effort of Debian Security team and Debian LTS team, this release will be supported for the next 5 years. The Release Team has also dedicated this release to Debian founder Ian Murdock, who passed away in December 2015.
Debian 9 could be easily called one of the most important Linux distro releases of 2017 because in the upcoming months, tons of other distros will be based on it.

submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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