“Fast And Light” Peppermint 8 Respin Released

“Fast And Light” Peppermint 8 Respin Released


The combination of regular desktop programs and cloud-based infrastructure is something that sets Peppermint OS apart from the endless crop of Linux distributions. It also finds a place on our popular list of best lightweight operating systems for older computers.
The latest version of this lightweight operating system was recently made available in the form of respin of Peppermint 8. While respins are known to be a minor release to fix known issues and bring security updates, Peppermint 8 Respin (Release announcement) is a significant release with a multitude of important changes.
Available in both 64-bit and 32-bit versions, the latter one ships with full Secureboot and UEFI support.
The latest ISOs now contain all 16.04 updates. As a result, they ship with Linux 4.10.0-40 kernel from HWE, which will get updated to 4.13 when HWE arrives.
Moving on to other parts of the distro, Nemo file manager has been updated to version 3.4.7 to add more stability for handling large file operations. OpenVPN has also been updated to 2.4.4 to bring support for mixed mode IPv4/IPv6 VPN’s.
The new Pepirus xfwm4 theme looks like Peppermint 7 xfwm4’s theme. However, it has some additional color tweaks. There are new Pepirus icons and Gtk themes as well.
A switch has been made from lightdm-gtk-greeter to slick-greeter. This brings a more attractive login screen and GUI utility for login screen settings.

Source: https://fossbytes.com/fast-lightweight-peppermint-8-respin-20171130-download/
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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