Nintendo Switch Hackers Manage To Load Linux On The Hybrid Console, And...

Nintendo Switch Hackers Manage To Load Linux On The Hybrid Console, And It ‘Can’t Be Patched’


Last month, a group of hackers teased the public with its claims that the Switch can be hacked with a future-proof exploit.
Some advances in the hacking scene were put on display previously and only flaunted homebrew apps that ran on the hybrid game system. However, the latest one shared by fail0verflow, a hacking group, flaunted a picture of the Nintendo console with a Linux boot screen on display, the photo of the team’s achievement was shared via Twitter for the public to see.
Moreover, it was noted that the exploit was supposedly future-proof and cannot be patched out via official software updates.
Upon its reveal, several sources immediately called it out as a possible fake. Current photo-editing software could easily reproduce a doctored image of almost anything people can find on the web. However, most industry experts acknowledge fail0verflow’s track record when it comes to hacks released from the Nintendo Wii up to the Sony PlayStation 4, which lends to the group’s credibility concerning the Switch exploit.
Although it might seem like the final build completion is just a few months away, past exploits for other game systems did not release until more than a year after. Referring to the image from fail0veflow, it might still be a while, judging by the external wires and cables.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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