Fake Fornite apps are attempting to spy on Android gamers

Fake Fornite apps are attempting to spy on Android gamers


Epic Games is launching its Android Fortnite app at the end of September but there are already apps on Amazon and other marketplaces claiming to grant early access to the game.
A report by top10vpn.com has found that over 20% of apps claiming to be related to the game could be spying on you by asking for permissions and access to your phone before launching the app.
These apps are taking advantage of the huge wave of interest generated by the free-to-play game to draw unsuspecting users into downloading an application that could be spying on you, filling your phone with adware and even contain direct malware or scams.
This is sadly a fairly common occurrence as unscrupulous individuals will try and take advantage of trends such as Fortnite to give their illegal app the best chance of downloading and infecting an unsuspecting user’s phone.
You can keep yourself safe in the Google Play store by very carefully checking the publisher of the application you’re about to buy or download. Take a closer look, read the description and the comments closely. If you think it’s suspicious at all, then do some quick google research.

Source: https://www.techadvisor.co.uk/feature/google-android/fake-fornite-android-apps-3683644/
Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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