Linspire 8.0 released

Linspire 8.0 released


The story of Linspire could hardly have been more turbulent. The company, which was originally introduced under the name of Lindows, made a name for itself in the initial phase, especially with big announcements. The first concept of the company made the industry sit up and Microsoft frantically search for legal antidotes: Lindows announced a Linux-based operating system, on which even Windows programs would run smoothly. However, Lindows did not owe his customers the proof that the company could actually deliver such an operating system. Linspire was taken over by Xandros in mid-2008 and was discontinued as an independent distribution a few months later.
All the bigger was the surprise at the beginning of last year, when Linspire returned from the sinking. The Linux distribution Linspire and their free spin Freespire have been revived and released in new versions. Now, the US-based company PC / Opensystems LLC has released the product in a new version.
Linspire 8.0 updates the desktop and adds either KDE Plasma 5.12.7 or Mate 1.20.1 in the new version. The basis of the distribution is Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS with all corrections and improvements. New versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Thunderbird and LibreOffice 6.1.3 are also in the game. Other features include VLC Video Player, Rhythmbox, Microsoft Powershell, Inkscape, Gimp, Audacity, Openshot, and Oracle Java 10. Most applications are pre-installed when you install the distribution.
The new version is distributed in the form of a standard and a cloud edition (CE) on a USB stick or an SD card. The price of the single license is just under $ 40 without support and just under $ 80 with support. In addition, a download version is available, which costs just under $ 30 without support.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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