Bareos 18.2 released

Bareos 18.2 released


Bareos (Backup Archiving Recovery Open Sourced) is a cross-network open source backup solution that can back up and centrally store data from all major operating systems. Multiple versions of a file can be kept for any length of time. A database records which files from which computer in which version and where. The backup is done on hard drives, tape drives or encrypted in the cloud. If necessary – e.g. after accidental deletion of a file or hard disk failure – individual files or an entire backup can be restored.
The new version 18.2.5 already uses TLS encryption when logging in. All services, such as Bareos Director, File Daemon, and Storage Daemon, also support Pre-shared Key (PSK) TLS encryption during authentication. Previously, certificates were required for TLS / SSL encryption of network traffic. The certificates are now no longer a must, because Bareos can use the stored passwords to encrypt the communication between the participating computers via TLS-PSK.
The Python Bareos module, part of the open source backup solution since version 17.2, also works with the stable version 18.2.5. It can communicate directly with the Bareos Director and control the Bareos Console. The Bareos Director and thus automatically the web frontend (Bareos WebUI) now optionally support PAM authentication. While in previous versions the passwords were in clear text in the configuration file, with Bareos 18.2.5 it is possible to enter only the user name. The passwords can then be adjusted via PAM. The code optimizations that were already visible in the two publication candidates are also more advanced. The Bareos developers are gradually changing the code to modern structures. CMake replaces GNU Autoconf.
New structures are also shown in the documentation. The Bareos manual relied on LaTeX, which the authors converted to HTML for online publication. The new foundation is RST (reStructuredText). The authors are now working with the Sphinx framework, making it easy to turn the manual into many different formats.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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