GNU Project developers object to Richard M Stallman’s continued leadership

GNU Project developers object to Richard M Stallman’s continued leadership


Richard M Stallman (RMS) recently put his foot in his mouth by defending a sexual abuser and was pressured into resigning from the Free Software Foundation (FSF). So, was that his end as a free software leader and public figure? Nope. He’s still head of the GNU Project and appears to have no intention of leaving. But some GNU developers would like to see him stand down. Stallman is the GNU Project founder. While not well-known to most, developers know it for its aegis of the Emacs text editor and the GCC family of compilers. Under it, Stallman also created the important free software/open-source Gnu Public License (GPL). Linux, the most well known open-source program, is licensed under the GPLv2. Stallman himself appeared to have resigned from the Gnu Project when he resigned from the FSF. But this announcement was deleted. It’s suspected his website had been hacked. Stallman, himself, has not said what happened.

Submitted by: Arnfried Walbrecht


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