Issue 2 deadline – June 17

Issue 2 deadline – June 17


There will be a monthly – all welcome – meeting on Saturday 16th June @ 1700UTC in the #fullcirclemagazine IRC channel. If your not too savvy with an IRC client, click the WebIRC tab at the top of this page to have our IRC channel in your web browser.

Also; the deadline for issue #2 will be Sunday 17th June.

Issue #1 will now (hopefully) be released around Friday 8th June. Sorry for the delay in releasing issue #1, this is due to proof-reading a 40+ page issue taking a bit longer than expected.


  1. Great first couple of issues (0, 1)! Looking forward to the next one, and the Scribus tutorial follow-up. Thank you all very much for a long overdue dedicated magazine!

  2. I’m a Chinese.I suggest that the last issue can support to catch word by
    StarDict . As my English is not very good ,I have to read the article
    with the help by StarDict which is a very good dictionary.

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