Issue 9 out!

Issue 9 out!


Issue 9 - English Cover

It’s that special time again!

Full Circle Magazine – Issue 9 is out!

This month, we have:

  • OpenGEU – A step-by-step install from OpenGEU creator Luca De Marini.
  • How-tos: Directory Server, Ubuntu on an iBook, Installing OpenTTD (Transport Tycoon Deluxe), and part one of the new “Create Your Own Server” series.
  • Review of the KDE 4.0 release
  • Letters, the Q&A, My Desktop, the Ubuntu Women column, the Top 5, and much, much more!

Get it while it’s hot!

Download (English)


  1. Why don’t you just provide a link to download the pdf instaed of the php stuff which requires me to open it as a pdf in firefox ( which really sucks ) and then save it?

    lg: It’s WP’s download tracking system. We have Google Analytics, but we have too much data to import into GA.

  2. Agree with all the above. Time and effort appreciated. Yes, Ubuntu community is the best. Well done people.

  3. Great magazine, just discovered it! I love the article on installing ubuntu onto an ibook. I have to try that now!!! Keep up the good work!!!!

  4. Gents,

    I was shit scared to move out of Windows, until the new machine came with Ubuntu 7.10 pre-installed. I didn’t believe my eyes. It’s awesome!

    Now I found this new companion in FULL CIRCLE…. It’s awesome too.

    Thanks a million FULL CIRCLE

    Keep up the good work.

  5. I love ubuntu and ubuntu’s FCM ,It’s a excellent magazxine!
    Keep up the good work!加油!

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