Come and get issue 37!

Come and get issue 37!


Full Circle issue #37 is out with a review of Lubuntu, more programming in Python, talk about streaming media, and more.  Don’t forget to listen to the latest episode of our companion podcast for the full FCM experience!

This month:

  • Command and Conquer.
  • How-To : Program in Python – Part 11, Adding Screenlets, and Streaming Media.
  • Review – Lubuntu.
  • MOTU Interview – Stefan Lesicnik.
  • Top 5 – Tiling Window Managers.
  • plus: Ubuntu Women, Ubuntu Games, My Opinion, My Story, and all the usual goodness!

Download it here!


  1. The emails that announce new issues of Full Circle have always contained a bad “Download it here” link. It shows as “/issue-37/”, which, when clicked, goes nowhere, of course. Please update this link for future emails. (I can’t believe that nobody has commented on this before… ). Cheers, Al

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