Survey and Notifier

Survey and Notifier


Reader Survey 2010

Hi folks, just a quick post to remind you that the Full Circle 2010 Reader Survey is still open! If you haven’t filled it in, it’s at: – won’t take you more than a minute or two to fill it in and you’ll be helping us fine tune FCM for the better. Tell us, truthfully, what sections like/dislike and on what subjects you want more/less of. It’s your chance to shape the future of FCM!

Full Circle Notifier

If you haven’t heard, we now have a notifier app for Linux! Not only will it alert you the very second a new issue, or podcast, is released, but it can be set to automatically download the issue/episode for you! It’s available in several packages at:


  1. In the survey, you ask how long have you been reading Full Circle. One of the options is since issue 1, well I’ve been reading it since issue 0!

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