Issue 3 Released!

Issue 3 Released!



Full Circle Magazine is proud to announce our third issue.
It contains:

  • Xubuntu install step-by-step – Alternative Disc!
  • How-To: Get a Stunning Ubuntu Desktop, Learning Scribus part 3 and Ubuntu in Photography.
  • Review of Ubuntu on a Macbook.
  • Preview of several new Compiz Fusion effects.
  • Letters, Q&A, MyDesktop, MyPC, Top5 and more!

Get it while it’s hot!
English language only at the moment, but translations are on the way.

Or have a browse through Issue #3 online :


  1. Lanzado número 3 de Full Circle: Revista Libre sobre Ubuntu Linux…

    Ya está en la calle el número 3 de la revista Full Circle dedicada al mundo de Ubuntu Linux. Está muy enfocada al usuario y tiene información interesante….

  2. I would really like to see a review of the NEW Darter Ultras. It seems they’ve increased in value by a lot and gotten smaller. Love to hear about any experiences with it.

  3. Great magazine, easy to read and understand …. love the pictorials 🙂

    Look forward to the new issue in a few days time !!

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