Issue 10 Released!

Issue 10 Released!


Issue 10 - Cover English

Can you believe it? We’re already at our tenth issue! Thanks to all of our staff and contributors out there!
Issue #10

  • Linux Mint Install.
  • How-To : Compile from Source, Install and use TuxPaint, Rip a DVD with AcidRip and Create Your Own Server Part 2.
  • Review of the ASUS EEE PC running Xubuntu.
  • Letters, Q&A, My Desktop, Top 5 and more!

Get it while it’s hot!

Download it! (


  1. Thank you. Been waiting for issue 10, well done.
    Oh, by the way, Hardy Heron is shaping up quite nicely.

  2. Why can’t you just publish a direct download link to the pdf instead of the php download manager junk that requires me yo open the issue in a browser and then save it???????

  3. Nice to read. Thanks. I am using Xubuntu on laptop and Ubuntu x64 on PC. [Unfortunately Gutsy 32 does not boot on my hw – consequently Linux Mint neither 🙁 ]

  4. hi steph
    i am a member of the new french translation team
    we are quit a few of us and we will appreciate some proof reading
    so if you can spend some time with us it will be a pleasure

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