Issue 11 is out

Issue 11 is out


Issue 11 - English Cover

It’s time again!  Issue #11 is out – one more until our 1 year anniversary.

Issue 11

This month:

  • Linux Mint vs Ubuntu.
  • How-To: TrueCrypt on Ubuntu, iPod Classic & Amarok, Introduction to LaTeX and more!
  • Review of an old Lenovo 3000 C200 laptop running Ubuntu.
  • Letters, Q & A, My Desktop, Top 5 and more!

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  1. Such a great issue. I love the Latex part really, is so useful if you are at the university and have to write a mathematical document latex comes in very handy. Thank you so much for this brief introduction please continue with the latex tutorial in the next issue

  2. Every number of this magazine is getting better. I’ve sent a fewe numbers to a friend of mine and he finally decided to trie Ubuntu because of the way of presenting in full circle.

  3. I had been tring many times to open/download the Issue #11 since Mar. 28, and every time I clicked the download link, the firefox freezed to be not responding, does no one have this probem?

  4. i too have the same problem as PAUL…

    clicking on the download links produces nil action

  5. SOLVED… clicking on the download link just presented another page with an image of the issue on it, but no obvious link

    however, clicking on the image takes you to the download…

    hope this helps

  6. the article about ipod and amarok says to download ligaguitils1-dev but that package doesnt seem to exist!

    Ronnie: sorry about that, the package you want is libsgutils1-dev

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