PREVIEW: Full Circle Magazine, HTML Edition

PREVIEW: Full Circle Magazine, HTML Edition


Many thanks and kudos to Robin Catling who put together this Full Circle Magazine HTML preview.

The HTML edition should work in all major browsers (Firefox/Gecko-based, Konqueror/WebKit-based) and will most likely work in IE7, but we aren’t making any guarantees.

The preview is of Issue 12, so come take a look!


  1. It would be so much better if it were all on one page, as per the PDF – save all the clicking backwards and forwards.

  2. it’s looking good, I think you need some buttons to click on to back and forward a “page” as I got confused at first as to what to do and took a bit of time to work out what to do and click on to get to the next part. the table of contents on the right does need to be more prominent and perhaps larger too (perhaps on the left?)

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