Issue 16 is out!

Issue 16 is out!


Sorry, small typo in the Create Your Own Ubuntu article. The repository listed as:

deb remastersys/

should actually be:

deb remastersys/

This month:

  • Command and Conquer – Creating And Moving Files.
  • How-To: Create Your Own Ubuntu, Create Your Own Server Part 8, Using GIMP Part 5 and GNOME-Look Guide.
  • My Story – Out With The New, In With The Old
  • My Opinion – GNOME And KDE Themes
  • MOTU Interview – Jamie Strandboge
  • Top 5 – Twitter Clients
A small side note: we’re only on our sixteenth issue and we’re nearing one hundred translations!  A gigantic-sized thanks to all of our translators!
What are you waiting for? Go download it now!


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