Issue 33 is out: creating a media center, education, and sync

Issue 33 is out: creating a media center, education, and sync


A new month (well, in two days) and  a new magazine issue is out.
This month, we’ve got:
  • Command and Conquer.
  • How-To : Program in Python – Part 7, Create A Media Center with a Revo, Ubuntu and Boxee, and The Perfect Server – Part 3.
  • My Story – Ubuntu in Public Education, and Why I Use Linux.
  • Review – Exaile.
  • MOTU Interview – Didier Roche.
  • Top 5 – Synchronization Clients.
  • Ubuntu Women, Ubuntu Games and all the usual goodness!

Grab it through the Downloads link or here.


  1. Hey, this is my first comment on ur site. I’ve been reading it for a while in my RSS reader but haven’t commented before. 🙂 Anyways, thanks for the post.

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