We’ve got issue 39 out for you!

We’ve got issue 39 out for you!


That’s right, Full Circle issue 39 is out!  We’ve got a review of the iRobot iPad Android tablet, talk about virtualizing Fedora, virtual memory, new interviews, and more! (Oh, and we seem to have the recurring theme of ’13’ in our articles.)

This month:

  • Command and Conquer.
  • How-To : Program in Python – Part 13, Virtualize – Fedora 13, and Understand Virtual Memory.
  • Review – iRobot iPad.
  • Top 5 – Documentation Sites.
  • plus: MOTU Interview, Ubuntu Games, My Opinion, My Story, and now with all new LoCo and Translation Team interviews!

Download it here, as always.

(P.S. We just overhauled the back end of the site.  If you’ve made an account or comment within the last 36 hours, it may have disappeared.  Plus, f anything seems awry to you, please, let us know!  Thanks!)


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