Full Circle 51 has arrived!

Full Circle 51 has arrived!


Full Circle 51

This month:
* Command and Conquer.
* How-To : Program in Python – Part 25, LibreOffice – Part 6, Ubuntu Development – Part 3, and Using KDE (4.6) Part 2.
* Linux Lab – Creating Your Own Repository.
* Review – GRAMPS.
* Top 5 – VOIP Clients.
* I Think – What Distro(s) Do You Use?
plus: Ubuntu Games, My Story, and much much more!

Get it while it’s hot!



  1. Thanks for another wonderful edition of FC I really look forward to reading every issue.

  2. To Adel, who wrote a “My Story”-article in this issue:
    Well done! I fully enjoyed reading your text. What a nice story.
    Oh and your English is really good.

    Greetings from Germany!

    And you dear FCM-Team: keep up the good work!

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