Full Circle Magazine #57 – out now!

Full Circle Magazine #57 – out now!



Full Circlethe independent magazine for the Ubuntu Linux community are proud to announce the release of our fifty-seventh issue.

This month:
* Command and Conquer.
* How-To : Try Enlightenment, LibreOffice – Part 11, Backup Strategy – Part 5, Encrypted USB Stick, and Varnish Web Cache.
* Linux Lab – Mana World Server.
* Review – OpenArtist: 5th Incarnation
* I Think – SpiderOak Questionnaire.
* Closing Windows – Wireless Networking
plus: more Ubuntu Games, My Desktop (and another extra!), My Opinion, My Story, and much much more!

Google Currents edition: http://www.google.com/producer/editions/CAowvZtX/full_circle_magazine_57_lite

EPUB/MOBI coming soon.

Get it while it’s hot!


  1. Where’s the MOBI version? After getting that last month I can’t go back to PDF. Are you going to send out a new alert to subscribers when its ready?

  2. You did it again – #57 in Mobi, and I can read it on my Kindle… Thanks again, that’s awesome!

  3. Rendering a PDF onto book readers can be IMPOSSIBLE at times . Calibre the e-book program, describes PDF’s as having features un-convertable from PDF to and e-book format. Pictures rotated, tables and fonts and other pdf ‘features’ that e-books can’t display. Many ebook readers can support PDF but try to read, with impossibly small text or just small parts of a page are visible. Mobi formats will free is from lugging a laptop. I keep my Kindle with me to read a book or my magazines or Full Circle(someday).

    Can’t wait for new format!!!

  4. Dear Jaack,

    we do have an EPUB Version based on HTML Source Code which is easily convertable via calibre.

    The thing is: there are like at least five different models of Kindles of which i know and not all models are able to read the preferences of another. So: Take our EPUB Format and try to convert it yourself to have the best result possible 😉

    Thx 4 understanding 😉
    (Editor in Chief of Mobile-Version)

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