Full Circle Magazine #63 is available in aisle four

Full Circle Magazine #63 is available in aisle four


Full Circle
Issue #63

Full Circle – the independent magazine for the Ubuntu Linux community are proud to announce the release of our sixty-third issue.

This month:
* Command and Conquer.
* How-To : Beginning Python – Part 35, LibreOffice Part 16, and Linux Astronomy Part 2.
* Graphics : GIMP Retro Photo, and Inkscape Part 3.
* NEW! Web Dev series
* Linux Lab – Making *buntu 12.04 Boot Faster.
* Review – gPodder.
* Closing Windows – Share Files/Folders.
* Audio Flux – some CC music tracks.
* NEW! Ask The New Guy.
plus: Ubuntu Games, Ubuntu Women, My Desktop, My Opinion, My Story, and much much more!

Get it while it’s hot!

Google Currents Edition:



    • I can take anything from days to weeks. It all depends on how busy Jens is. If you have an Android/Apple device you could always install Google Currents and read that edition in the mean time?

  1. The available epubs are on the relevant issues download pages. To get the epub in your own language there’d need to be a translation team to convert the PDF/EPUB. One (quick) way around this is to install Google Currents on to any Android/Apple device you may have then add FCM to it as Google Currents can do automatic translations.

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