Surprise! Full Circle Magazine 65 gets released early.

Surprise! Full Circle Magazine 65 gets released early.



It’s here, Full Circle #65

This month:
* Command and Conquer.
* How-To : Python – Part 37, LibreOffice Part 18, and Use Encryption.
* Graphics : Kdenlive Part 2, and Inkscape Part 5.
* Web Dev : CRUD
* Linux Lab
* Book Review – Ubuntu Made Easy.
* Closing Windows – Mapping A Network Drive.
plus: Ask The New Guy, Ubuntu Games, My Desktop, My Opinion, My Story, and much much more!

Get it while it’s hot!
now with ‘Send to Ubuntu One’ delivery! 


  1. I just downloaded this magazine by the first time, and I have to say that the articles are AWESOME ([super]AWESOME[/super]). I’m a brazillian student and this is the first time I read something in english that is so exciting. Guys, keep moving forward with this great work.

    Sorry if I wrote something wrong, my english is not so good.

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