Full Circle #74 hits the streets!

Full Circle #74 hits the streets!


Full Circle
Issue #74

Full Circle – the independent magazine for the Ubuntu Linux community
are proud to announce the release of our seventy fourth issue.

This month:
* Ubuntu News

* Command & Conquer
* How-To : Gpodder, LibreOffice, and Connecting With IPV6.
* Graphics : Blender, and Inkscape.

* Review: Clementine
plus: Q&A (NEW & Improved!), Linux Labs, Ask The New Guy, My Story,
and soooo much more!Get it while it’s hot!
now with ‘Send to Ubuntu One’ delivery!Google Currents Edition:

Also available via Issuu:


  1. Ronnie….no send to UbuntuOne button. Guess I’ll have to send it the old fashioned way 🙂

    • Yeah, sorry about that. Every time I try to upload a file to my U1 account I get an error at 100%. Submitted a bug report though. Hopefully it’ll be fixed soon.

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