Inkscape Special Edition Volume 02

Inkscape Special Edition Volume 02


Full Circle Magazine – Inkscape Special Edition Volume 02

Continuing our Inkscape series by Mark Crutch, all budding artists can work through the features of this immensely capable vector graphics application in our compilation of Inkscape series Parts 8-14, from issues through 74.

Special Edition - Inkscape Volume 1 cover
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  1. Hi,
    Pages 22-24 in this PDF (issueS02_en.pdf) are the LibreOffice article from issue #73 – not the intended “Inkscape – part 13” from the same issue.

  2. Hi team, hi Robin,

    unfortunately, part 13 has not been included in this special edition.

    Instead of, on pages 22 to 24 you can read the how-to ‘LibreOffice Pt26: Formulas In Writer’. In issue 73, the LibreOffice how-to is on pages 11 to 13, the Inkscape how-to part 13 is on pages 26-28.

    Regards, Mark

  3. Has anybody actually looked at the Inkscape special edition volume 2? Part 13 has been replaced by LibreOffice Pt26…

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