LibreOffice Special Edition – Volume 06

LibreOffice Special Edition – Volume 06


The LibreOffice series continues… We continue our assembly of Elmer Perry’s LibreOffice series in this, Volume 6.

PLEASE NOTE: viewing the PDF in Chrome may show no images. The PDF is fine though when downloaded.

Big thanks to Gene Young for compiling this volume.

Cover for Issue LO06 in EnglishEnglish


  1. How do I find out about the special editions? I get a notice when the regular issue is published. Is there a way that I can find out about the other special issues the old and the new so I can download and read them?
    Thank you for your help.

    • Sometimes (ie: when I manage to remember) I send out a mailing list post, or a post to G+/Facebook/Twitter about them.

      Keep an eye on the Special Editions page as that’s where they’ll be posted.

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