GPS navigation for Ubuntu Phone

GPS navigation for Ubuntu Phone


 uNAV is a turn-by-turn GPS navigation for the Ubuntu Touch OS. It is 100% GPL, and powered by OpenStreetMap and OSRM.

“I could show you a few screenshots, and I could tell you how it’s working. Or, I could show you me driving a random route [with it].”


  1. uNAV is really good and it works. Hwever, the real problem is that the screen dims in about a minute and it cannot be changed in any way. At least for a bq5 phone. The length of the uNAV run in this clip after it had been set to work was about 30-40 seconds, so I really wonder what would happen in, say, a minute or two…

  2. Yes, it works, it works! In all the previous versions of uNAV the screen dimmed in about a minute and it was not possible to change it. In fact it made the really good GPS unworkable. Today I have updated it to vesrion 0.19 and now it works! This is a really important step to the normal functionality of the Ubuntuphone as a smartphone rather than mere a nice toy for crazy linuxoids like myself 🙂

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