The end of Unity, convergence, and the return of GNOME

The end of Unity, convergence, and the return of GNOME


From a post by Mark Shuttleworth (founder of Ubuntu):
…we will end our investment in Unity8, the phone and convergence shell. We will shift our default Ubuntu desktop back to GNOME for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

I’m sure there’ll be mixed emotions on this news (above), so I’d like for you, the readers, to have your say. In FCM#120 I’d like to publish your thoughts regarding the end of Unity, convergence and the return of the GNOME desktop.
Please email your thoughts on this to:


  1. I have tried ‘straight’ Ubuntu with its Unity Desktop Environment in each of its iterations and, while it has improved somewhat, I loathe it.

    It is not as configurable as many other DEs. I almost exclusively use the Xfce DE as I can set it up to exactly the way I like it.

    Xfce is available for many GNU/Linux distributions. Currently I use it on computers running MX Linux, GeckoLinux Xfce version [essentially openSuSE Tumbleweed], and Manjaro. While there are differences in the versions within these distros, essentially they are alike in the most important ways.

    All of my computers ‘look’ the same even though they are using different GNU/Linux OSes (which makes it especially easy for my wife and me to switch from one computer to another). They even operate similarly in most respects.

    Plus, among other things, any OS using an Xfce environment uses by default the Thunar file manager which, in my opinion, is, overall, the best FM there is.

    I tried Gnome 3 a couple of years ago on one of my installations (I do not remember which one) and I was not happy with it. We’ll just have to wait and see how the community responds to Ubuntu using Gnome as its default desktop environment.

  2. I’ve only been using Ubuntu for a couple of weeks so I can’t really comment, but people tend to like what they’re familiar with. I didn’t like it when windows started messing around with control panel. Those obscure settings you only use once a a year which take you half an hour to find where they’ve been moved to.

    The trouble I have with Unix is the endless hours of googling for command line entries and then retyping them back into a terminal just to get things going. Whilst the apt-get is a marked improvement on the early days of Unix after the initial apt-get install Ubuntu programmers should spend some more effort in developing wizards and gui interfaces to complete the setup.

    Take an OS like android where most of the software seems to take care of itself.

    Hopefully asmy Ubuntu skills improve I will get over this.

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