Full Circle Magazine #120 – The TEN YEAR anniversary issue

Full Circle Magazine #120 – The TEN YEAR anniversary issue


Don’t light the candles, it’ll be a fire hazard. FCM#120 marks TEN YEARS of this madness.

This month:
* Command & Conquer
* How-To : Python (Arduino), A Week Without a GUI, and [NEW!] Intro To FreeCAD Pt.1
* Graphics : Inkscape & Kdenlive
* ChromeCult: Firefox Add-ons
* Linux Labs: Old Hardware Benchmarks & Linux From Scratch
* Review: LXLE
* Book Review: Geeky Projects For The Experienced Maker
* Ubuntu Games: Steam Hardware Survey
* The return of My Desktop
* Survey Results
plus: News, Q&A, Kodi, and soooo much more in 90 pages.
Get it while it’s hot!


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