full circle – issue #4

full circle – issue #4


full circle #4
Issue 4 Cover
Full Circle – the independent magazine to the Ubuntu Community are proud to
announce our fourth issue.

It contains :
* Edubuntu – What’s in it for the kids?
* How-To : Hosting Code on LaunchPad, Learning Scribus part 4 and Keep your kids safe in Ubuntu.
* Preview of Miro 0.9.8.
* Interview with Ubuntu Developer Colin Watson.
* Letters, Q&A, MyDesktop, MyPC, Top5 and more!

Get it while it’s hot!
English language only at the moment, translations on the way…


  1. hi..
    i think the magazine is really cool in its design and looks, but the font in the body needs a little touch up. sometimes it looks a lil weired while reading.!!

  2. I loved the A4 format better. Easier to print dubbel sided and I like to store all the magazines (in papper form) and then it’s also nicer that they have the same shape.
    I also miss theh New’s site, even if they are old (editor’s comment) they are new for me and every body else that doesn’t keep their face in front of the net the whole time, I like to be able to catch up with you just reading this great magazine.

    Br, and keep up the good work…

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