Issue 35 is out: Google Sketchup and Android

Issue 35 is out: Google Sketchup and Android


This month, we’ve got a double whammy for you!  Not only do we have FCM #35 (with a review of the Motorola Droid/Milestone), but we also have a new episode of the Full Circle podcast coming at you in a few minutes.

This month:

  • Command and Conquer.
  • How-To : Program in Python – Part 9, Digitally Retouching a Photo in GIMP – Part 2, and Installing Google SketchUp using Wine.
  • Review – Motorola Milestone/Droid.
  • MOTU Interview – Pedro Fragoso.
  • Top 5 – Android Applications.
  • Ubuntu Women, Ubuntu Games, My Opinion, My Story, and all the usual goodness!

Grab the download here!


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