The Official FCM Map Of Awesomeness

The Official FCM Map Of Awesomeness


It’s a warm and lazy Sunday afternoon here at FCM Towers*, so I thought I’d put up a post showing some of the data from our visitors map (aka: The FCM Map of Awesomeness) and Google Analytics. I mean what proper geek doesn’t like numbers and graphs?

* We don’t actually have a tower, but it makes us seem bigger.

First, the world:

The Official Full Circle Map of Awesomeness
The Official Full Circle Map of Awesomeness

Approximately 46k visitors in 40 days. That’s not bad! Google Analytics tells me that the average pages per visit is 3, and the average stay is 3mins. You folks don’t have much in the way of an attention span, do you? Roughly 55% are new visitors, and about 45% are bounces.

Zooming in:

United States of America & Canada
United States of America & Canada

From the US we receive about 9k visits. That’s our #1 country/territory. Canada gets us a further 1k visits and is #7 in the Google Analytics list of top countries/territories. Number 2 on the list is Italy:


The mighty Italian team brings over 4k visitors with over 60% of those being returning visitors. Good job Italy! Fourth in the list is France with almost 2k visitors, most of those are bounces. Germany is #5 with nearly 2k too which are split between returning visits and bounces. Same for Spain which is #6.

United Kingdom
United Kingdom

The UK, small as it is, brings 3.5k visitors and is #3 on the list. Of those visitors it’s split 50/50 between returning visitors and bounces.

The rest of you guys need to step up your game and spread the word!  🙂

Not surprisingly, most of you folks use Linux. Over 45% of visitors are using Linux while 35% are using Windows. Almost 10% use Android while only 5% use a Mac/iPad to visit. Almost 50% of folks use Firefox with only 30% using Chrome. Internet Explorer fills a whopping 5% (tee hee!).

Although I’m sad to say that not many people are using our social media buttons to share posts with Facebook, Twitter or Google+. Come on folks, click them buttons!  🙂



  1. hello 🙂

    I just dropped-in to say that the maps would be even more populated, if google analytics could count all the hits from people like me, who read most of the articles from an RSS/atom reader 🙂

    warm greetings,

    from an extra data-point in Greece 🙂

  2. On the latest map (UK map)… right in the center of the map, there is the Netherlands… then in the center of the Netherlands, that orange dot… thats me every month downloading full circle magazine :)….

    Keep on the good work!

  3. I’ll be one of the windows users (in tnorthern england) then and that’s only because I visit when at work (using windows). My machine at home is exclusively linux though.

  4. Well…I guess that lone dot in SE New Brunswick Canada is me. Only two other Maritimers on there as well. A tech outpost? LOL.

  5. It is awesome! I’m in China. For almost 3 years, I’ve been downloading each issue. It really helped me a lot. Thank you guys for the excellent work!
    Looking at China part, it seems the more developed area the more readers. Funny, but there’s reason behind. Linux still has a long way to go here.

    Again, awesome guys!

  6. Wow, there is someone else from Kentucky that is interested in Ubuntu. No way! lol The LoCo Team appears to have died long ago.

    I don’t usually go to the website. I get my FCM fix from RSS or Google+.

  7. May I please request that the link on the image of the world actually take one to a larger version?
    Nice anyway!

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