DANGER! Site redirecting and FCM#135

DANGER! Site redirecting and FCM#135


FCM#135 should have been released yesterday, but I’m holding back on the release as the site has (again!) become infected with a redirect. So, please, don’t click through to the spam site (which ends in .tk – I’m not going them the pleasure of seeing their name in full). It’s seen by clicking a link on the front page.

It is still safe to enter an issue page and download directly (eg: legacy.fullcirclemagazine.org/issue-134).

Lucas is on vacation, but still trying to fix the site (what a  guy!). We’re also looking into designing a completely new site, and abandoning WordPress. We have several things in place to try and stop this kind of thing (one of which is a scan at the host end!). Yet, we still keep getting problems.

FCM#135 will be out at as soon as Lucas can get to the root of the problem. Sign up for the mailing list to get an email as soon as it’s out.


Photo: Jen Leonard (Flickr.com)


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