Full Circle #85 hits the streets…

Full Circle #85 hits the streets…


This month:
* Command & Conquer
* How-To : Python, LibreOffice, and GRUB2 Pt.1.
* Graphics : Blender and Inkscape.
* Review: Ubuntu 14.04
* Security Q&A
* What Is: CryptoCurrency
* Open Source Design
* NEW! – Arduino
plus: Q&A, Linux Labs, Ask The New Guy, Ubuntu Games, and a competition to win a Humble Bundle!


  1. Ronnie – regarding your *Instructables* Arduino project:

    You need to get rid of the period you have in the link for the
    Password Library on the 2nd page of instructions. The current link is:


    It does not take you to the Password library … but if you eliminate
    the “.” it does. 🙂

    Sorry about posting this message to you under FullCircle #84.

  2. I am not a very long ago reader(I started with #67 probably) but since I have started reading FCM, I have seen that once in a while, you run out of(or fall short of, to say precisely) one or the other thing(Articles, screenshots, story and maybe writers etc)

    In case of articles, there have been few cases when I went through a article and felt that I may have written it too, but I never though it could be worth peoples interest.

    So coming to the main point, how if you could create a page on this site, where you(and others) could first post article-requests and others could vote and then someone would choose to write on it. I’m sure that there are many people out there who think of writing, but either don’t come up with a idea or hesitate to do so, assuming that it would be uninteresting.

    Finally, I’ll add that old, 1000 times repeated comment : “How if you could just extend FCM to non-ubuntu OS?”

    (Maybe this should have been a letter in issue #86, :; )

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