BQ shipping worldwide, and black E4.5 and E5HD for India

BQ shipping worldwide, and black E4.5 and E5HD for India


Lots going on in the world of Ubuntu phones now. First piece of news is that BQ is now shipping Ubuntu phones worldwide! Don’t expect super-fast speeds though worldwide as the BQ phones only support certain data speeds. Please check before buying.

India gets some special treatment: the BQ E4.5 and E5HD will be available in a black variant within the next couple weeks on This makes them the first major international retailer. For these phones Canonical have created regional specific content variants in the store, thus the device will have an Indian specific store experience. Content includes a Bollywood Scope, Indian-specific news (NDTV, TOI) to name a few. They are also finding more sources in the next few weeks to further develop the content experience notably for the NearBy scope. Also, two weeks after launch there will be an Ubuntu Store on Snapdeal where other Ubuntu products will be available

So, there we go. Ubuntu phones available to all!

To all those who emailed me (Ronnie) moaning about the phones not being in your country: I expect you to pony up, show support, and buy one!  😀


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